*fanfare* 24hourlondon's web app

By Emma Hartley - Sat, 7th Apr 2018

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Well, that all happened quite quickly.

After a conversation with our newest advisor, Scott Davidson of Vouchercloud, this morning we reconsidered our strategic approach and have decided to be a web app as well as a downloadable app, available on iTunes and Google Play. 

So in double quick time this afternoon Dean worked his usual magic and moved our web app - which was always back there in the shadows - to much greater prominence. You can now find it on our website by clicking "start now!" on the top page, or the map icon on the second page.

Why the change of heart? Scott convinced us that any lingering concerns I had about our data being scraped – and our data is very precious to us as it is 30% more accurate than Google's – was so far outweighed by the benefits that I should not concern myself with them. Doubts? Pah...

So now we, our functionality and our venue pages containing drinks offers are discoverable by Googling (other search engines are available). 

I'm curious to see what happens next...

we to talk about late nights!